The 8th Venusberg Meeting on Neuroinflammation






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15-16-17 May 2025

“If you truly love nature neuroscience, you will find beauty everywhere” by Sean Keating, Queensland Brain Institute. Provided under CC BY 4.0 license.

About the Conference


In the last decade, Prof Michael Heneka has founded a conference series at his former workplace at the University Bonn, called Venusberg Meeting, which has established itself as one of the major international events on Neuroinflammation welcoming regularly over 350 international experts. With taking on the directorship of the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) at the University of Luxembourg (UniLu) in 2022, this renowned conference series moved to Luxembourg with a successful edition in 2023.

The 8th edition of this international meeting on Neuroinflammation will take place from the 15th to the 17th of May 2025 at the Campus Belval, Luxembourg. This upcoming international conference will focus on the theme “Cerebral immune activation at the crossroads of healthy aging, senescence and neurodegeneration”. The scientific committee has meticulously curated a comprehensive program, encompassing basic, clinical, methodological and emerging perspectives and including internationally renowned scientists with expertise across a wide range of domains, as main speakers. Scientific breakthroughs in the interdisciplinary field of Neuroinflammation will cover eight main fields:

  1. Microglia
  2. Oligodendrocytes
  3. Astrocytes
  4. Neurotransmitter
  5. Neurodegeneration
  6. Inflammasomes & cGAS/STING
  7. Technical developments
  8. Clinical aspects of neuroinflammations
  9. ND pathology
  10. Epigenetics

Speakers from diverse areas of Neuroinflammation will present their most recent research insights in order to stimulate vivid discussions and idea findings for future collaborations. The conference offers new grounds for scientific exchange, joint strategies and collaborative actions within the Neuroinflammation community on an international level. The three days conference will host 28 internationally renowned experts and offers 12 Blitz talk slots for young researchers.

The event will take place on the Belval Campus
Registration for this event are not open yet