Jean-Charles Lambert, PhD, Inserm Research Director. He has over 20-year experience in the research field of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and published 195 peer-reviewed original articles. He is head of the team “Search for molecular determinants of Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders” at the Institut Pasteur de Lille. His team has directly participated to the discovery of most of genetic risk factors of the sporadic forms of AD and he coordinates the EADB (European Alzheimer & Dementia Biobank) consortium involving 18 European countries, which is currently the strongest GWAS effort wordwide. He is also co-PI of the ADES European consortium involving 5 European Countries with the objective to analyzing whole exome sequencing data from the current largest dataset available. His team is also strongly involved in the post-GWAS era with the main objective to characterize how the genetic risk factors of AD are involved in the pathophysiological process. This implies the development of pertinent in vitro and in vivo experimental models from the most interesting genetic determinants characterized and his team was for instance the first to demonstrate that genetic risk factor of AD, e.g. BIN1, PTK2B are involved in the Tau pathology.